Nokia Aeon Touch Screen Phone Concept

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

If this model by Nokia hit the market, its gonna be the next RAZR. Code name Aeon, it features a “full surface touchscreen” display that replaces the traditional keypad. Currently it is still in conceptual stage and rumours has it that it will hit the market next year. The design looks futuristic, which is a big surprise because Nokia tend to design big bulky phone when the whole world gone crazy over slim phones.
Nokia 这一次公布的 Aeon 概念手机同样是以全屏幕触控为主,线条设计、弧度处理恰到好处,加上配图上的着色,感觉十分幽雅。真像是在做梦,比起同样是触控型全屏幕为设计思路的BenQ-Siemens Black Box的黑黑方方,Nokia 的这款概念设计真是漂亮多了。
